Hi, I'm gaia zuccaro!

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Clube - Mobile App
Tosto | Bistrot
Pastella - la bottega del fritto
M83 Group - Custom Player App / Proposal
MADEIT store
Vespa Rome Rental
Officine in Cucina - Web interface Design
Web Interface - Birra del Borgo
Flyer Guerrilla Marketing
Kamasutra - Promo Brochure
Coerenza tv
Web - Interface - Add2cart
Web Interface - vojomori
ChiĆ² - baretto on the beach
Web Interface - Bricofer
CompraunVoto.it - Web Interface
Vespa Rome Rental
Calendart - Web Interface
Web Interface - Mum's community
Web Interface - Settimana della Birra
Web Interface - Piumini Danesi
Campaign advertising
Mobile UI - App Proposal
Ten Pan APP
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